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You need to implement an endpoint on your side where we can deliver the structured data. Usually, you would use a Bearer token so you can authenticate if it is really us who are dropping a message. Please share your URL with us.


Webhook response.


Name Type Description
template str

The template which was used to extract data.

message_id str

The message_id which was passed by you, uploading your PDF document.

log_id str

The log id returned by us at the upload.

result Optional[bytes]

If successful then the opentrans xml.

status ProcessorResultStatus

one of the statuses.

status_reason Optional[ProcessorResultStatusReason]

a deeper explanation of the status.

Status of a processed document.


Name Type Description
IGNORED ignored

The document was ignored and there might be no feedback to you(the customer).

REJECTED rejected

The document was rejected because of an applied rule.

FAILED failed

Processing of the document failed.

DEFERRED_FOR_RETRY deferred_for_retry

Processing of the document was deferred for retry later, because of a mapping lookup errors.

SUCCESS success

Processed successfully.

Define list of possible reasons for a result status.

The reason is rendered in the rejection email template.


Name Type Description
CANNOT_PARSE_DELIVERY_ADDRESS cannot_parse_delivery_address

The delivery address cannot be parsed.

CANNOT_PARSE_ITEMS cannot_parse_items

The items of the documents cannot be parsed.

DOCUMENT_ID_MISSING document_id_missing

One of the required document ids is missing or incorrect.


The mapping cannot be resolved.

NOT_AN_INVOICE not_an_order

The document is not an order.

NOT_AN_ORDER not_an_order

The document is not an order.

NOT_AN_ORDER_RESPONSE not_an_order_response

The document is not an orderresponse.

VAT_ID_MISSING vat_id_missing

There is no VAT-ID in the document.

UNKNOWN_FORMAT unknown_format

The format is not known to the template.


POST /your-incoming-endpoint HTTP/1.1
Authentication: Bearer Your-token.

   "template": "processed_template",
   "message_id": "<unique id by you>",
   "log_id": "<from POST response before>",
   "result": "<xml...",
   "status": "rejected|success|ignored",
   "status_reason": "..."